Yoga poolside with Marnie every other Friday at 9:30am at the Inn on Madeline Island Pool. (And with other Yoga on the Rock instructors on other MWF days.)
*Yoga on the Rock Classes run 3 days a week MWF only 9:30-10:45
Back side of the "closed" pool by the Pub as always. A few changes this year...
* Will only be using mats no props and social distancing by 6 feet.
* No hands on adjustments.
* We will sanitize all mats that are borrowed. Strongly encouraging everyone to bring their own mats.
* I will keep my distance from everyone but will not wear a mask while teaching - too hard for you to hear instruction. Will wear a mask during check in process.
* $12 drop in rate or 10 classes for $100 which can be shared within a household.