Healing Motion


A safe place to move and feel good in your body

When you experience mind, body, and spirit connection, the healing process happens in the most amazing way.

At Healing Motion, we support you in finding your unique pathway to wholeness.

Just as there are many causes of dis-ease, there are many pathways to reaching an optimal state of being. We offer effective, holistic approaches for many stages of your unique physical, emotional and spiritual journey through life. Choose from classes, workshops and private sessions available online or in our community spaces on Madeline Island, Wisconsin.

  • Yoga Madeline Island


    Join Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, or Strength classes in our yurt on Madeline Island ~ open all year

  • Madeline Island Wellness

    1:1 Wellness

    A holistic approach to healing ~ find what fits your body, mind, and spirit in personalized sessions

  • Physical Therapy

    Compassionate, high-quality services offered in-person at the La Pointe Community Clinic

Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

Rachel Naomi Remen

Upcoming Events & Classes

Join our community to exercise, dance, move, or be in stillness with others and have fun!

Check the calendar for an updated list of events happening in the yurt:

Located on Madeline Island

Wellness Updates